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Sunday, June 14, 2015

It's a Little Bit Bumpy!

Have you ever noticed that some common skin conditions have not so nice nicknames?

Well, here's another one - Keratosis Pilaris: A common skin condition, also known as “chicken skin” or “goose flesh,” characterized by rough, bumpy skin on the upper arms and tops of the thighs.

It's nothing to be embarrassed about!  As you can read on the Rodan + Fields Derm RF site "40% of adults and up to 80% of adolescents" can develop this.

You can read more about it here:


  1. I've seen people with bumps on their shoulders and stuff, but i always thought it was like heat bumps or some skin condition of theirs. That is great you have shown us a product that could help with these type of skin condition .

  2. I've seen people with bumps on their shoulders and stuff, but i always thought it was like heat bumps or some skin condition of theirs. That is great you have shown us a product that could help with these type of skin condition .

  3. Thanks Lexy! I know this combination of products has helped a lot of people feel better about their skin!

  4. ohh man I didn't know this exited either. The treatment, not the skin condition. I am well aware of people who have this condition. Is the remedy for this something that you have to take every day or else it will come back or is it something that once you apply it and it is gone it stays away.

  5. Hello Natalie, You should use it every day, but should see results within a couple weeks.
